Looking to save money and get better skin? Here’s why you need to Marie Kondo your skincare cupboard ASAP

For skincare lovers, trying new products can be thrilling. But as your skincare collection grows, it can also be overwhelming. An organized skincare cupboard makes it more likely that you’ll actually put those hard-working formulas to use. This means less risk of wasting your money, an easier morning and night routine and, of course, better skin. Your cupboards may be inundated with products, but if you find it’s time to pare down, doing so is easier than you may think.
We consulted with Kirsten Fisher, a KonMari-certified professional organizer and the founder and CEO of Imagine Home Organization to understand the benefits of skincare organization to start the new year fresh.
The first step in skincare organization is to sift through your existing products and sort them into categories that make sense for how you use them. For instance, you can create piles for your day creams, night creams, cleansers, exfoliants, sun care and eye products. “Once you have all of your categories, review the products within each and keep the ones that excite you the most,” Fisher says. From a KonMari perspective, this means looking for the products that bring you joy. “If you’re having trouble deciding, ask yourself how often you use the product, how it makes you feel, if another product in your collection offers the same function but does it better, and whether or not you would repurchase it,” Fisher says.
Before incorporating your favorites into your final collection, Fisher recommends checking the expiration dates, making note of anything that has passed its prime. At best, an expired skincare product may not perform well — at worst, it could lead to skin irritation. Toss the items that are expired, but consider if they are housed in glass or plastic components that can be reused for a different purpose (for example, a moisturizer tub can be used to store your hair ties).
After sorting through your existing products and repurchasing favorites that have expired, it’s time to decide which products go where. “Find a home for each category of product according to how frequently you use it,” Fisher says. “Create a convenient space for the ones you use daily and utilize less prime real estate for things you use less frequently.” For instance, you may find it helpful to store something like an everyday sunscreen in your top vanity drawer and your once-a-week face mask tucked away in a drawer.
If you’re a visual person, you may find it helpful to organize your products according to the color of the packaging. This can not only be more aesthetically appealing, but it can make it easier and quicker to find certain products as you’re getting ready.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with your skincare cupboard, try keeping track of what products you’re using, how often you’re using them and what improvements you’re seeing in your skin as a result of using them. A skincare journal can help you identify which formulas are benefitting your routine and which are just taking up precious space.
Next to decluttering and strategically storing your products, upkeep of its organized state is critical. Get into the routine of checking your supply of skincare products on a regular basis, and keep tabs on what formulas are working and what’s not to avoid wasting space.
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Murad, and are for informational purposes only, even if the advice of physicians and medical practitioners are included. This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should not be considered specific medical advice.